Overcoming Common Technology Challenges on the Journey to Optimized Manufacturing Operations

Tri Tech helping their clients overcome technology challenges in manufacturing industry

Overcoming Common Technology Challenges on the Journey to Optimized Manufacturing Operations

We recently wrote an article detailing the perfect plant environment – a utopia every manufacturer dreams of. After reading that article, you may have caught yourself nodding your head a few times in agreement. But you also probably acknowledge there are some challenges standing in your way to achieving it. Some you’re aware of, and, most likely, some you’re not.

That’s a perfectly normal part of the process, but with a trusted partner on your side who understands a wide variety of scenarios, you can overcome them. In this article, we’ll explore three of the most common challenges we see standing between manufacturers and an optimized operational technology environment.

Challenge 1: Knowing You Need Upgrades, But Not Knowing Where to Start

You’ve heard the calls for greater efficiency, productivity, safety, and whatever other initiatives might fall into your company’s strategic plans. You believe it and want to move them forward. This likely involves upgrades in the devices, equipment, technology, and network infrastructure on your plant floor. It can sound like a big nut to crack, especially if you lack the internal expertise to analyze your situation and build a roadmap. That internal expertise requires not only knowledge of one machine or one part of your network, but a holistic view of all the parts and pieces, and the role each component plays in helping you reach your goals.

Tri Tech not only acknowledges your desire to upgrade, but through our comprehensive analysis, we can map out where to start. In some cases, it is a matter of upgrading a device that puts you on the road to better efficiency. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and we prove time and again that our process results in digestible, actionable, and results-driven steps you can complete over time to take advantage of all the opportunity that lies in your plant. It’s all about starting where you are, experiencing incremental wins along the way, and always progressing towards operational utopia.

Challenge 2: Identifying Root Causes of Machinery Problems

You may have heard people say that if they’re having problems with their knees, they find that their knees actually aren’t the problem at all. The knee pain they’re experiencing is likely coming from somewhere else – their back, their feet, or hips may be the culprit. You can try to fix your knees all you want, but they won’t feel any better until you identify and treat the root cause.

The same thing is true when it comes to machinery problems in a manufacturing plant. You may find yourself coming to quick conclusions about machinery issues. After all, if your palletizer isn’t working properly, it seems logical to begin diagnosing what might be wrong with it. You replace parts, you perform maintenance, and no repair seems to make a difference. Yet if we take a step back and look at everything that may be contributing to the problems with the palletizer, we might find that another piece of equipment is the culprit and discover it’s the shrink wrapper, for example, that is in need of maintenance or replacement!

It is this comprehensive approach to your entire plant operations and network that allows the Tri Tech team to overcome this common challenge. We have the engineering expertise, the OT experience, and the right diagnostic tools to assess the situation and establish the right course of action to support your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

Challenge 3: Creating an Overall Scope for Your Project

In some cases, you may have a clearly defined scope for your plant upgrades. We can fully execute on that scope with all our in-house resources.

In other cases, especially if the above two challenges are true, you may not have an established scope in mind. This may be keeping you from reaching out to a partner for help, but it doesn’t have to. The Tri Tech team shines for our customers in these scenarios, fully analyzing the situation and jointly developing a plan that meets their needs, timeline and budget. Common types of scopes that we help our customers develop and execute include:

As we explore your needs, we listen first, then gather data and information to guide our suggestions, and only recommend technologies and solutions once the full picture is clear.

Tri Tech: Your Ideal Partner for Comprehensive Plant Solutions

At Tri Tech, our broad range of services and in-house capabilities position us as the ideal partner for any plant looking to improve operations. By reducing outsourcing and integrating various facets of production under one roof, we lower project costs and simplify project management. Our expertise extends across all aspects of industrial automation and control, ensuring that every part of your plant functions optimally.

If you’re ready to transform your plant and achieve a new level of efficiency, Tri Tech is here to help. Let us paint the picture of what your operations could look like and work with you to make that vision a reality.

With Tri Tech, reaching your operational utopia is not just a dream—it’s a plan in action.

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